Online Booking

Visa travel cover for stays abroad in Germany and Europe
Product information (PDF)

  1. Travel data
  2. Offer
  3. Your Data
  4. Check
  5. Confirmation

Travel data

When does your stay begin and end?

The maximum insurance term for this tariff is one year.

You must apply for foreign travel insurance for the entire length of your stay prior to entering the Schengen countries, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino or Vatican City.

The add-on package (travel accident insurance, travel liability insurance, emergency insurance, baggage insurance) can be taken out at any time (even after entry).

  • Date of entry: Date on which you entered the Schengen countries, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino or Vatican City for the first time.
  • Start of insurance: Date when your insurance cover starts (for foreign travel insurance this must be the same as the date of entry)
  • End of insurance cover / date of departure: Date on which you left the Schengen countries, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino or Vatican City again. The departure date is also the end date of the insurance.

Are you travelling to Germany?

The selection made applies to all travellers to be insured.

Who is to be insured?

Who is eligible for cover?
We insure persons up to and including the age of 75, who require a visa, are staying in the EU, the Schengen countries, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino or the Vatican City for up to one year. They must also be foreign nationals who have a permanent residence abroad. The length of their stay in Germany must not exceed one year.


Product Information